We all try to have a consistent oral hygiene routine that will remove plaque, food and debris from our teeth. Unfortunately, brushing and flossing can not always remove the food and bacteria from your back teeth because of the deep grooves your teeth need to help you grind up food when you chew. To help reduce the risk of cavities, Dr. Mary Rose will place sealants to reduce the risk of cavities.
What are sealants? Dental sealants are a thin, protective plastic coating that protect the chewing surfaces of your back teeth. Once applied, sealants can protect molars for up to 6 years reducing the chances for invasive dental work. Dr. Mary Rose will check the sealants during your hygiene visits to make sure they do not need replaced due to wear or if missing.
Who can benefit from sealants? Dr. Mary Rose recommends sealants for children when their permanent molars have fully erupted. In some cases, Dr. Mary Rose might suggest sealants for your child’s primary (baby) teeth if there are deep grooves to protect the adult teeth. Dr. Mary Rose recommends sealants to anyone, even adults, who are prone to tooth decay on their back teeth.
Sealants are a safe and effective way to reduce the risk of cavities. If you have any questions, Dr. Mary Rose would be happy to discuss sealants with you.